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The International College of Manitoba is pleased to offer a variety of scholarship opportunities that recognize academic success and community engagement of our students.

Entrance Scholarship

Tell us why you want to be an International College of Manitoba and University of Manitoba student, and you could be eligible for an entrance scholarship worth C$1,500 for the Winter (January) 2025 intake.

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ICM is currently accepting entrance scholarship applications for the Winter (January) 2025  intake. Submit your scholarship application today!

Applications for the Winter (January) 2025 entrance scholarship close August 30, 2024. The Fall (September) 2024 entrance scholarship closed May 19, 2024.

Application instructions

  • Apply and receive a Letter of Offer to any ICM program for the Winter (January) 2025 intake.
  • Confirm entrance scholarship availability as published above.
  • Write either an original 500-word essay or record a 60-90 second video on why you want to study at ICM and the University of Manitoba.
  • Submit your scholarship application using the online form prior to the scholarship application deadline.
  • To receive the scholarship, winners must pay their minimum deposit within three weeks of being conditionally awarded the scholarship and must enroll in the Winter (January) 2025 term.

Terms and conditions

  • This entrance scholarship is available only to new ICM students who apply for the entrance scholarship’s published intake. Students who have already accepted the offer and paid their deposit are not eligible.
  • Scholarship winners will be notified by email if their scholarship application has been conditionally approved.
  • To receive the scholarship, winners must pay their minimum deposit within three weeks of being conditionally awarded the scholarship.
  • The scholarship will be awarded as a tuition credit 6 weeks after the start of the intake and has no cash value.
  • The scholarship cannot be deferred to future intakes.
  • This entrance scholarship is competitive. Scholarship winners will be selected based on the creativity and sincerity of their submission.
  • Limited number of scholarships available. The scholarship application closes August 30, 2024 or when all scholarships have been awarded.

Navitas Family Bursaries

When two or more students from the same family study at a Navitas institution, the second student can apply for a Navitas Family Bursary.

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The bursary is equivalent to 10% of the tuition fee for the first program of study at a Navitas Institution. The bursary does not apply to additional units or repeat units that may also be undertaken and excludes mixed English options.


  • Family Bursary applies where two or more students from the same family study at a Navitas institution. 
  • The first family member can be studying at a Navitas institution at the same time as the other family members or may have studied at any Navitas institution previously. 
  • The Family Bursary is granted to the second and subsequent family members who study at a Navitas institution. 
  • They must not have previously received a Navitas scholarship or bursary nor had a scholarship or bursary from Navitas withdrawn. 


For this bursary, a family member is defined as a husband, wife, sibling, parent, child or stepchild. 


  • Successful recipients will not receive any money from the Navitas member institution. The value of the bursary will be recorded on the student’s account each semester of study. 
  • The recipient will receive a family bursary based on tuition net of other scholarships and bursaries. 
  • The bursary does not apply to additional units or repeat units that may also be undertaken. 
  • Navitas bursary is not applicable to an English language program or any component of any English language program offered by Navitas member institutions. 

Navitas member institutions

The Navitas bursary applies to students studying at Fraser International College (FIC), International College of Manitoba (ICM), Toronto Metropolitan University International College (TMUIC), Wilfrid Laurier International College (WLIC), University of Lethbridge International College Calgary (UICC), UMass Boston Navitas Global Student Success Program (UMB), and Queens College Global Student Success Program (QC) in North America. 

In addition to the North American Navitas member institutions, Navitas member institutions are located in colleges and campuses across the world. 

Application instructions

A completed application must be submitted to the Navitas institution with supporting documents, such as a birth certificate or family card. Application forms can be obtained from the Navitas institution where the student has enrolled. 

Susan Deane Memorial Scholarship

The Susan Deane Memorial Scholarship program was established in honour of ICM’s first College Director and Principal, Susan Deane, and her significant contributions to both Navitas in Canada and the education sector more broadly in Manitoba.

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One C$5,500 scholarship will be awarded each term. 


Applicants must: 

  • Have successfully completed the University Transfer Program Stage II in that term and transferred to or be planning to transfer to the University of Manitoba at the time of award. 
  • Have made a significant contribution to the ICM, U of M, and/or Winnipeg community, evidence of which is to be the subject of an essay not longer than 750 words or a five-minute video to be submitted along with the application. 
  • Be in academic good standing at the time of the award. 
  • Have no outstanding tuition or fees with ICM. 
  • Provide three reference letters from ICM staff, U of M academic staff, and other people attesting to the applicant’s achievements. 

Selection criteria

The student is chosen by a selection committee based on their contributions to ICM and the greater community. Diversity in the types of references and volunteer work experience will be considered as part of the selection process.


The Scholarship Selection Committee varies from term to term, with representatives from the Province of Manitoba, the University of Manitoba, ICM instructor staff, and ICM administrative/student services staff. 

Notification of results

The scholarship panel will announce the recipient of the Susan Deane Memorial Scholarship at the end of each term. Recipients will be notified by email and, the successful students, posted on the college website. The scholarship will be awarded as a tuition credit transferring to student’s UM tuition account and has no cash value.

Application instructions

Students must submit: 

  • Completed Application Form. 
  • Completed Essay or Video. 
  • Three letters of support (e.g., from ICM staff, UM academic staff, and other people attesting to the applicant’s achievements). A minimum of one letter should originate from ICM. 
  • Link to LinkedIn profile or digital resume. 

All documentation must be received by ICM through the submission form on the Student Portal by the deadline date established for each competition. 

Academic Distinction Scholarship

ICM is committed to helping you achieve your academic goals by offering scholarships to outstanding students. Each semester, ICM awards up to five students with Academic Distinction Scholarships.

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The Scholarship award is equivalent to $1,000. 


Applicants must: 

  • Be currently studying full-time. 
  • Have been studying full-time (i.e., minimum 9 credit hours) and have achieved competencies in all courses across their current program (for which the scholarship is applied for) in the semester immediately prior to the semester when the scholarship is being awarded. 
  • Not have any outstanding fees on their student account. 
  • Not have previously received an Academic Distinction or Academic Merit scholarship. 
  • Not have had a scholarship or bursary from Navitas withdrawn. 
  • Not be receiving another Navitas scholarship in the same semester of consideration for this award. If the student is short-listed for multiple scholarships, the student will be awarded the one of greatest value. 


  • The scholarship applies to academic studies completed for an undergraduate/postgraduate program with ICM. Students are liable to pay for the remainder of their semester course fees. 
  • Successful recipients will not receive any money from Navitas member institution. The value of the scholarship will be recorded on the student’s tuition account during their semester of study for an undergraduate/postgraduate program with ICM. 
  • Scholarships are not transferable to other students or Navitas member institutes in any circumstances. 
  • Navitas member institutions reserve the right not to award all or some of the scholarships in a given year. 
  • Scholarships cannot be backdated. 

Selection criteria

Selection will be based on: 

  • Academic results based on the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) on full-time studies from their previous semester of study. Should multiple students have identical academic results, the scholarship selection committee will refer to marks awarded within each subject/course to determine the scholarship recipient. 
  • Additional factors such as educational disadvantage, member of specific equity group and/or significantly adverse personal circumstances may be considered where the scholarship selection committee must differentiate between equally qualified applicants. 
  • Outcome of scheduled interview (if required). 

Notification of results

The scholarship selection committee will announce the recipients of the Navitas Academic Distinction Scholarship at the end of each semester and following the course registration period for the subsequent term. The recipients will be notified by email and the successful students posted on the college/campus website. 

Application instructions

Students are not required to apply for the scholarship as it is awarded based on academic performance in undergraduate/postgraduate level programs. 

Community Engagement Scholarship

ICM is committed to helping you achieve your academic goals by offering scholarships to outstanding students. Each semester, ICM awards up to five students with Community Engagement Scholarships.

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The Scholarship award is equivalent to $500. 


Applicants must: 

  • Be currently studying full-time. 
  • Have been studying full-time (i.e.: minimum 9 credit hours) and have achieved competencies in all courses across their current program (for which the scholarship is applied for) in the semester immediately prior to the semester when the scholarship is being awarded. 
  • Have participated in the improvement and promotion of a positive student experience at ICM in the semester immediately prior to the semester when the scholarship is being awarded. 
  • Not have any outstanding fees on their student account. 
  • Not have previously received a Community Engagement Scholarship or Academic Merit scholarship. 
  • Not have had a scholarship or bursary from Navitas withdrawn. 
  • Not be receiving another Navitas scholarship in the same semester of consideration for this award. If the student is short-listed for multiple scholarships, the student will be awarded the one of greatest value. 


  • The scholarship applies to academic studies completed for an undergraduate/postgraduate program with ICM. Students are liable to pay for the remainder of their semester course fees.
  • Successful recipients will not receive any money from Navitas member institutions. The value of the scholarship will be recorded on the student’s tuition account during their semester of study for an undergraduate/postgraduate program with ICM. 
  • Scholarships are not transferable to other students or Navitas member institutes in any circumstances. 
  • Navitas member institutions reserve the right not to award all or some of the scholarships in a given year. 
  • Scholarships cannot be backdated. 

Selection criteria

Selection will be based on: 

  • Outcome of scheduled interview (if required). 
  • Having conviction to our purpose and potential. 
  • Demonstrating drive by achieving and advancing together. 
  • Participation in the improvement and promotion of positive student experience at ICM in their previous semester of study. 
  • Exemplifying the Navitas core values during, which include: 
    • Being adventurous in mind and spirit. 
    • Demonstrating rigour in enhancing our professional reputation and credibility. 
    • Being genuine in the way we behave and deliver. 
    • Showing respect by celebrating, valuing, and caring for people and the environment.
  • Additional factors such as educational disadvantage, member of specific equity group and/or significantly adverse personal circumstances may be considered where the scholarship selection committee must differentiate between equally qualified applicants. 
  • Outcome of scheduled interview (if required). 

Notification of results

The scholarship selection committee will announce the recipients of the Community Engagement Scholarship at the end of each semester and following the course registration period for the subsequent term. The recipients will be notified by email and the successful students posted on the college/campus website. 

Application instructions

Students are not required to apply for the scholarship as it is awarded based on student experience participation at ICM. Students must be nominated for this award by ICM staff members or Student Leader Managers. 

All terms and conditions are subject to change without notice or at the discretion of the Navitas member institute or Navitas Pty Ltd.

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